Perth South's 2023 Flag Policy Review
Last updated: June 21, 2023

Our Advocacy Actions To Date
- Sent a email to all members of Township of South Perth Council about why they should not change their flag policy and why flying the Pride Flag is important
- Sent a news advisory to all news outlets in southwestern Ontario about South Perth’s discussion
- Launched a mini-social media campaign calling on the public to tell Perth South to #FlyTheFlagWithPride
- Attended the June 20, 2023 Council meeting to ensure the 2SLGBTQIA+ voice was heard.
On June 20, 2023, the Township of Perth South Council discussed the Township’s Flag Policy.
This is because at the June 6, 2023 council meeting, Councillor Mark Bell raised alleged concerns by Perth South citizens about raising the Pride Flag. In a time of rising anti-2SLGBTQIA+ hate, we need municipalities to show they stand WITH queer and trans people – not against them. Stratford-Perth Pride proudly serves all of Perth County including the Township of Perth South. We don’t want to see Perth South move into the same direction as Norwich. Stratford-Perth Pride works hard to prove we’re small towns not small hearts. Any exclusion of the Pride Flag from flying damages not just the reputation of Perth South and Perth County but all rural communities.
At the council meeting, council members debated the current policy with the focus being on the Pride Flag – despite the Pride Flag not being mention in the policy itself. The conversation not only took a focus on the Pride Flag but anti-trans and anti-drag sentiments were shared at the Council meeting.
Council passed a motion to keep the current policy as is for now and have the Township staff review the policy for changes in Spring 2024.
Stratford-Perth Pride board members attended the meeting alongside, PFLAG Stratford, and members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.
Stratford-Perth Pride will be reaching out to council and staff in early 2024 to ensure the current policy continues to be a policy used for celebratory and awareness-raising reasons – including that of Pride Month.